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Let's begin.

In my classes we do not practice yoga to get better at doing yoga. 


We practice to get better at just being ourselves. 


Yoga is a Life Practice


I have dedicated the past twelve+ years to teaching, studying, and practicing yoga. While in so many ways I still feel as though I am a beginner, what I do know to be true is this - the hardest and most challenging yoga is done off the mat. 

True embodiment of yoga is a life practice, and it is not easy. 

My yoga philosophy and teaching style reflects this. I care less about how you look in a yoga posture and more about how it feels. I won't teach incredibly challenging postures and sequences but I will ask you to breathe. I will remember your name and ask you how your heart is today. I will offer intelligent cueing so that you understand why alignment is important. I will offer modifications, variations, and always the invitation to be in childs pose for the entire class. 

My simple, yet refined and potent yoga classes touch on the tactile and seen, as well as all that is vast and unseen. A practical application of ancient yoga wisdom, an embodied way of using yoga as medicine.

This is our yoga practice. 

Let's begin.



"Lisa's classes are the perfect blend of challenging movement, breath work, and spirituality.
Her warmth and genuine concern for her students is such a gift."

"Your teacher training program was a really wonderful experience for me.  I didn’t know what to expect, and wasn’t sure it would be the right fit for me, and am so grateful for all that you brought to the program."

"Lisa is so knowledgeable and passionate about everything yoga. Her compassion and love for yoga is evident in her teaching and she truly cared about each and everyone of us. She always had a positive attitude and made each training weekend so informative and enjoyable. Lisa has such a calming presence and an incredible soothing voice which is so apparent when you take one of her classes. While in her class your troubles melt away and you can really connect with your inner self. Lisa is truly an inspiration both on and off the mat!"

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